My First Memories of Childhood Abuse

My mother’s miscarriage of my brother, her reactions, and the complete loss of love toward me impacted me deeply for most of my life

Doreen Barker
Published in
15 min readOct 8, 2020


Photo by Bekah Russom on Unsplash

I do not remember much of my life before the age of five. Sometimes, I wish that I could. I would love to remember that happy little kid with a quirky smile and pretty blue eyes. Sadly, I am unable to recall that vivacious little girl. Instead, I am left with the strongest and most vivid memories of when the abuses all started.

I was so excited about my mother’s pregnancy. It meant that I would have another new person to love and to play with. I loved to lay my hands on her belly as the baby moved within her belly. It was the coolest thing I had ever witnessed in my short life. I would sit for hours staring at her belly waiting for that bump up and flutter of movement. It was a difficult thing to do for a hyperactive kid like I was. I would bound out of my seat as soon as it started.

It drove my mother crazy. She would bat my hands away. That would sadden me, but I was rarely deterred. I was born just as stubborn as I was equaled to my amount of energy. I would try talking to it inside of her belly. I was constantly telling it how excited I was to meet it. We did not know the sex of the baby at the time. It…



Doreen Barker

Creator of Stories of Food Production, Farm Girl, Writer of Life and Mental Health, Abuse Warrior and Mentor