My Meds Make My Hair Fall Out, But I Take Them Anyway

I’m not sure I’m making the right choice

Published in
6 min readJan 20, 2022


Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels

My hair is everywhere. There’s hair on my bathroom sink, in my car, and on my kitchen table. Today I even found strands in my dishwasher, wrapped around a clean baking tray.

I had to take apart my vacuum last week because there was so much hair jammed in the bottom. I’ve stopped pulling my hair into a messy bun because I’m afraid it will make my hair loss worse. My hair hangs in limp strands around my face unless I style it. I usually don’t.

Propranolol was supposed to be the wonder drug my mind and body have needed for years. It’s a beta blocker commonly used for cardiovascular issues — which I have — but it also treats migraines and panic attacks. Which I also have.

This popular med has many off-label uses along with the ones I’ve already listed. You can use it for tumors near the kidneys, and it also treats the symptoms of PTSD and OCD. I have 2 of those 3 issues, plus a few others that Propranolol treats.

At one point, I was taking more than 30 supplements and prescription medications per day. It was exhausting, and I hated it. I figured a versatile drug like Propranolol was just what I needed.



Invisible Illness

Working through my trauma one story at a time. I enjoy writing flash fiction, too. Whether you're here for fiction or nonfiction, thanks for joining me! :)