On Growing Up in a Broken Household

Being raised by a single parent is littered with plentiful downsides. However, the conclusion isn’t always miserable.

Aiden Riley
Invisible Illness
Published in
7 min readMay 11, 2023


Image by mohamed_hassan from Pixabay

A broken home, if not dealt with correctly, is a gateway to a shaky future. It creates multiple obstacles. Particularly for the single parent. As people, when faced with towering obstacles, it is grueling to conserve our energy.

However, a shaky future is awaiting the children.

This is due to the constant mental strain on the parent: If the parent struggles financially and has to contain their lives with numerous jobs, the children’s mentality may struggle to develop. Thus, fearing their futures.

Therefore, becoming indifferent to their own identities.

The lone parent’s priorities could become confused. To earn money to retain their house and to monitor their children’s growth. Both are too strenuous for one person. One being cannot possibly carry enough mental vigor to hoist both.

These are rare commodities.

After all, a home is a world. To carry a world without support is asking for turbulence. To deal with such ordeals, at some point, one needs to pass on the load. Without an intimate hand to do so, the hardships may become extreme.



Aiden Riley
Invisible Illness

I deliver my opinions on society, culture, psychology, philosophy, mental health and more. I also write poetry.