One key aspect of depression (nearly) everyone is missing out on

The “Caesar or nothing” mentality

Fabio Floyesa
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2020


Analyzing the causes of depression has been one of my biggest interests in recent months. Because I have experienced depression in the past and have somehow managed to get out of this dark hole, I want to educate myself so that I can prevent it.

One of my most important findings is that depression is most often linked to a few sources of self-worth. When these sources eventually dry out, you lose your self-esteem and fall into this dark hole. There are many sources from which an individual can boost his self-worth. Some people might overly rely on a loved one, another might not be able to live without his parents. We often experience what happens when one of these people fail the individual: he is robbed of a part of his identity. He loses his self-worth. This is probably one of the most well-known causes of depression because it’s also the most depicted in popular media. Yet there are other sources of self-worth, that might not even link to an outside person.

“Caesar or nothing” mentality.

Some people grew with nobody to love. They might have tried to prove themselves to their parents, teacher or friends, but because of various forms of rejection, they never relied on a person for…



Fabio Floyesa
Invisible Illness

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