Quarantine Thoughts

M Siddiqui
Invisible Illness
3 min readMay 6, 2020


Image by Gabriele Gabi from PixaBay

Once this pandemic is over, we will come out of our houses as the war-affected people get out of their camps after a war. We will get on the road to count our losses precisely like how the war affected people would look for their damages in ruins. Our doctors, nurses, carers, police and other frontline heroes would come out of their trenches, only to carry on their duties to look after the wounded.

The aftermath of this pandemic would leave us mourning for our loved ones, or those who we knew, those who left us so silently that the emptiness created for their departure would be too hard for us to carry on. The vacuum that would leave us to reflect on our miraculous aliveness. Well, only for those who are thoughtful enough to realise the ‘The Great Escape’.

Our lives would not be the same again. This destructive time would bring a massive recession upon us. From the poorest to the most prosperous country in this world would have to face a grand war against the downfall of their economies. The world would change for a significant time.

But our togetherness made by this mighty pandemic will be our bounty. Just like after the war, we will start rebuilding our homes, our cities, our countries and together with the entire world. The experience we are getting during this Covid-19 times would change our work pattern and day-to-day life. We will think about the future from a unique viewpoint, that we did not know about in the past. Our present will reshape our near-future life extraordinarily. Our future generation could face any phase of the new pandemics based on our knowledge gained from our experience and what we live behind for them.

However, our greeds would remain the same. The wars may be on hold right now. Terrorisms are non-existent for an ‘Unknown’ reason. Despite this, there are still reports coming from China’s ongoing torture to the Uyghur people. The struggle for freedom of the Syrians and Palestinians and other not so lucky sub-nations and tribes around the world. But as soon as the pandemic is over, the people of the new world would restart their postponed wars and killings. The multinational companies that sought help from the governments to pay their employees or made them redundant would restart dodging their taxes. The oil prices would go up to cover the companies’ losses. The ozonosphere, the oceans, the rivers would get darker again because of the pollutions. The animals and sea creatures that lurked in the clean environment would go to exile once again. The hope for a positive global change would get killed in our hands.

Ultimately, the change will not be the way we are thinking right now.
Only our positive attitudes in the present, and the future could show us a way to expect for a brave new world.



M Siddiqui
Invisible Illness

Husband, Father and a student of English Literature and Creative Writing. Currently, chasing my lifelong dream to be a writer.