Gavin Sharpe
Invisible Illness
Published in
5 min readApr 23, 2020
Achieved Diddlysquat In Lockdown? You Are Not Alone (Shutterstock Image ID: 1326588854)

Achieved Diddlysquat In Lockdown? You Are Not Alone

Since the start of lockdown, I’ve learnt Mandarin as well as how to play the french horn while doing the formidable and enviable yoga posture of the tripod headstand with lotus legs. What have you achieved?

We are six weeks into the lockdown in Monaco. Many of us entered confinement telling ourselves that we would use the time to do that thing that we have always wanted to do but never had the time to do. (Fill in the gap for what “that thing” represents to you). Some of us are now despairing that we haven’t quite accomplished our goals.

As a psychotherapist, I am awarded a privileged and unique insight into other people’s lives. Please don’t be fooled that we are all conquering new heights while confined in our homes. It’s just not the case. In fact the popular mantra that the virus has been sent to us so that we can save ourselves and the planet has left many of us feeling inadequate.

Feeling Stuck

What I heard and felt last week in my virtual therapy room was “stuckness.” We all have that version of ourselves that inconveniently pops up to remind us that we are not worthy, inadequate and full of shame. Well last week, they seem to have popped up in mass. Here’s what I heard throughout the week: –

  • I should be more productive
  • I should have achieved more since



Gavin Sharpe
Invisible Illness

Business coach and therapist. Work with individuals, couples companies and groups.