Social Media Has Turned This World Into One Big Insecure Mess

If people didn’t already have other things to worry about

Aiden Riley
Invisible Illness
Published in
10 min readSep 22, 2021


So, here I was. I was relaxing in my front garden; the sun was high; the sky was blue — no clouds were present. I was dressed in nothing but a vest top and boxer shorts. No way was I wearing full-length clothing.

The birds flew above while the pollinators worked hard around me. It was a lovely sight. It was calming to listen to. The majority of the time, I just sat and stared at the adorable little bees getting on with their duties; I watched as they shot off to report back to the Queen.

Summer is beautiful. There are many positives to it. However, the season tends to agitate me. Being one of the unlucky ones who perspire easily (I sweat like a pig and have an afro), I do not like to be out in the sun for too long. I also suffer from hayfever!


Yet, this day felt different. It was perfect. I did not sweat, (okay, maybe a little) nor did I suffer from the sniffles. It was the right temperature and the sun was blocked by part of my house. I could only take advantage of it by lounging in the front garden. It was a bonus that it was my day off work too.



Aiden Riley
Invisible Illness

I deliver my opinions on society, culture, psychology, philosophy, mental health and more. I also write poetry.