Some Words of Wisdom For Those With Anxiety in These Trying Times

Letting your fear work for you instead of against you

Dawn Bevier
Invisible Illness
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2020


Image by TPHeinz on Pixabay

Yesterday was a bad day. And the day before. And the day before. I woke up with a sinking feeling in my stomach that my fate was literally in the hands of the universe. My emotional state? I’ve been letting it twist and turn and jerk like a roller coaster. Just before this “thing” let itself inside our world (and inside my soul) without a proper invitation, I was one of the most driven people I know. But lately, I’ve been letting it suck the life out of me and derail my ambitions and goals.

But, like a good little girl, I’ve still been going through the motions, managing to get at least the “must do’s” done. The rest of the time? I’ve been doing a lot of “What the hell, why not’s?’

I’ve been letting my inner demons — you know the ones — apathy, depression, and all their friends— play around in my psychological playground like five-year-olds on a sugar high.

But today, somehow, I woke up happy, at the top of the monkey bars, with those demonic five-year-olds looking up at me, furious that I momentarily opted out of their mind games.

Because up to this point in time, I’ve been “playing” their games. I’ve been allowing them to replace my focus on…

