Suicide Is A Pandemic Within A Pandemic

We need to de-stigmatize suicide more than ever right now.

Kelley Jhung
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2021


Content warning: this article includes mentions of suicide. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 800–273–8255. Counselors are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, and it’s confidential and free.

I’m scrolling through my Instagram feed. I stare at a post that makes my throat tighten like I’m in anaphylactic shock:

“This week we lost someone special from our community because of her struggle with her own Covid-induced loneliness. Social distancing is taking its toll. When someone from our community takes their own life, I think it makes that statement real and clear and true.”

The post is from the owner of the yoga studio, my yoga “home” that I’d attended for many years before Covid hit. “Oh my god, “ I think. Covid has almost destroyed me, too. I’ve lost joy, connection, and hope. I have considered suicide many times over this past year.

“I can’t believe someone in our community actually went through with it,” I think as I stare at the photo of the beautiful woman who killed herself this week.

This year, with Covid, my depression has literally brought me to my knees. I’ve been so close to killing myself…



Kelley Jhung
Invisible Illness

Writer. Advocate. Truth seeker. Perpetually curious over-analyzer.