Teach Me!

Vaghawan Ojha
Invisible Illness
2 min readJan 5, 2017


Teach me, how rationally you feel,

For I touch the subtle hustle in the bushes

And thud in the shield of the world.

Teach me how you live,

For I fall in the morass of pity,

Where I die in unfathomable melancholy,

When the evening sips the wind through

Its senseless lounge.

Share me your hope,

For I breath an insipid air,

Inhaling hopelessness

And sweating a fragile loneliness,

Tell me you will hold me,

Shall I behold myself into your arms,

Tell me you adore my emotions,

Shall I howl my wounds

When you take my drought face upon your palm.

Stand with me in the silent night,

And you shall listen the symphony of a ruined soul,

Walk together in the dark,

Shall you understand the stark stars of my celestial,

Teach me to watch the moon,

And fall upon her invincible hairs,

Shall I explore her beauty from your eyes,

For I’m partly insane.

Don’t smile at me,

For I know what you hide behind the cliff,

That I once explored,

And always explored,

Don’t close your eyes, and teach me how to sleep,

For I’m a pursuer of a slumber upon the surreal havoc.

Teach me to dance emotions,

Shall I explore salvation in the azure,

Teach me to sway a life,

Shall I fly higher.

Tell me you care,

Shall I withdraw my fear,

And surrender in your hope,

A mere life,

Swinging in the every rustle of the breeze,

That world fumes.

Shan’t I walk,

My faltering limbs,

In the shade of your arms.

Teach me how to live,

For I know nothing other than panic of rupture,

I shall hold your hand,

When you fathom my soul,

And a wrecked heart,

A havoced brain,

Just lost itself,

In the morass of swinging emotions,

Show me the light in your patio,

Shall I rest my head upon the trunk of camphor tree,

And breath as the leaves please,

For I’m a pursuer of a peace.

Teach me how to live,

Bestow some hopes,

Shall I watch the slants of sun,

Piercing the morning dew.

I love to write poetry and stories, If You feel of reading some of my works, please read at Painted With Words. Thank You Very Much For Reading.



Vaghawan Ojha
Invisible Illness

A drop of water you could see that dumbly awaits in vain to spill and be a stream: Alas there is sunshine.