The #1 Biggest Relationship Red Flag

This has everything to do with you, and not them.

Annie Tanasugarn, PhD
Invisible Illness
Published in
5 min readDec 27, 2023



How many times have you caught yourself staring at someone’s ‘highlight reels’ on social media and fell into the trap of wishing your life had the same spark, excitement, and passion that theirs allegedly portrays? The reality is, most people only want to share the high points of their lives and their relationships based on “fun” posts. No one is really interested in seeing the boring, everyday grind that happens between the highlight reels.

Case in point: it’s these high points that seem to get the most views, highest amount of comments, and most “likes” on social media. People want to see how many sets their buddy can “effortlessly” do at the gym, or pictures of their latest bougie hotel stay without seeing how many outtakes it took, or how much it cost them. They want to share in their friend’s successes without having to look at the “lowlights” of their 70-hour work week, sleep deprivation, lack of personal time, compromised self-care, or working through another holiday.

As a society, we’ve become conditioned to “love” the idea of what we see, irrespective of whether it’s based on “highlights”.

It’s the same thing when it comes to relationships and love. People want the highlights. The likes. The views. They want to…



Annie Tanasugarn, PhD
Invisible Illness

Psychologist. Certified Trauma & Relationship Specialist. This is my only account.