The Gift of the Black Sheep

Families. They can be a problematic maze which we don’t know how to navigate through.


Black sheep with two white sheep
Image by Katrina_S from Pixabay

I’m part of a family that is stuck and fractured. The flatlands of black and white vision blinds us to what is below the surface, the depths. Yet, there is hope. We can learn to look more deeply.

When I was younger, I had no sense of normal nor how I would navigate out into the world. I had no knowledge of the tools I would need or what the path would look like. I didn’t know about mindfulness or self-inquiry. I hadn’t had any therapy. I didn’t know about attachment theory or understand why I felt so alone. I didn’t know my mother had Aspergers or my father’s past trauma caused his extreme volatility. I didn’t know that trauma was caused not just by the events I experienced, but also by the events I witnessed. I just knew growing up in my family was cripplingly painful, not only for me but for all 6 of us.

This particular piece has been inspired by both those I have worked with and people I have known or know and my own life. It is clear to me that many people get stuck along the way as they attempt to create more love and meaning in their lives.

One of the sticking points is the human tendency to connect with others but at the expense of someone else. This is called…

