The Darkness

Kimberly Ann (Charbeneau)
Invisible Illness
2 min readFeb 8, 2019


There are some days
the Darkness speaks so loudly
I can feel it reaching out
its lying fingers
touch softly
luring me in
making me believe
how easy it would be to say
the hell with this world
this life doesn’t need me
this life will not miss me
whispering those lies in my ear
come with me
come with me
I can give you
the life you long for
I can give you the love
others deny you
lies, upon lies
drawing me deeper into an abyss
lulling in their whispered softness
Can the whispers be real?
Am I really so unwanted?
Have I truly failed?

Where is the Voice of Love?
the Voice of Reason and Faith?
Why can’t it be heard
over these soft whispered lies?
Why do they not shout out to me
from the mountain tops?
Echoing over and over
Until I can hear only them?
“Do not listen to the whispers!”
“Do not trust the Lies of the Darkness!”

I must keep my eyes open
look for the light
I must learn to close my heart
to the Darkness and it’s seductive whispers
These lies are not for me
these lies cannot own me
Truth! Please shout out to me
Remind me who I am!

Let Faith wrap me in the arms of goodness
Let Hope become my beacon of light

Darkness be gone
take your whispered lies
I Am Enough
I Am



Kimberly Ann (Charbeneau)
Invisible Illness

Words From A Jar - poetry, short stories and thoughts about words, emotion, LIFE! Self Publishing Author —