The Difference Between Wanting to Die and Experiencing Passive Suicide Ideation

It’s easy to get mixed up between the two and end up considering yourself suicidal

Chandrayan Gupta
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2021


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

WARNING: This article contains multiple references to suicide and may act as a trigger to some. Please read with caution.

There was a time when I constantly thought of suicide. It was my go-to whenever anything went wrong. I was heavily depressed back then, more than I thought I could handle. These days, I often wonder how the hell I even did.

Sometimes, these thoughts became overpowering enough that I was compelled to share them with my close ones. The reply I often got went something like this:

Why do you think like this? Why do these thoughts even come to your mind? Don’t be crazy. You shouldn’t think such things.

The way they spoke gave me the impression that there was something wrong with me, that I was abnormal. That I was doing something wrong by thinking of suicide. That I was to blame. And for a long time, I believed I was.

Understanding the Difference Between Thinking of Suicide and Wanting to Die by Suicide



Chandrayan Gupta
Invisible Illness

2x Psychological Crime Thriller Author | 415+ Articles Across 10+ Publications on Medium | Instagram: chandrayan_gupta