Photo by Tyler Lastovich from Pexels

The Importance of Turning Smartphone Notifications Off

The Deleterious Aspect of Our Mobile Devices

Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2020


I want you to stop and close your eyes for a minute and picture a bratty, snotty little kid with freckles and red hair, blue shorts, and a white t-shirt, he looks like the kid from the Mad comics, let’s say, and this kid is just following you around all day announcing every single thing that your friends were doing.

More than just that, he’s making a loud *plop* noise with his tongue every time some banal event takes place before screaming into your ear every little detail of what’s going on. A celebrity catches COVID-19 and ends up in the hospital, this kid screams it into your ear. A band that you don’t even like, a band that this kid thinks sounds like a band you like releases an album, and this kid wants to rave about it, letting you know all the details of it.

This kid gets paid to run around all day and annoy the crap out of you incessantly and he gets paid handsomely to do it. It’s out of control.

Literally, that’s his only job is to annoy you and bombard you with all of the information you never needed, but, to make things more complicated — and to make his job useful in a way that you’ll never tell him to bugger off entirely, he also sprinkles in vital little bits of information about your…



I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: