The Loneliness Epidemic

1 in 5 People Say They Feel Lonely or Socially Isolated

Renee Rose
Published in
9 min readJun 17, 2020


Image Source: Gabriela Palai

I live alone. I also work entirely from home. For this reason, I find it difficult to find reasons to leave my house. This has led to a sense of loneliness that can be hard for me to put into words. For nearly two years now, I’ve operated under a continuous feeling of social isolation.

In our current times, I think many of us are feeling a sense of social disconnect that we can’t shake. As much as many of us want to get out and socialize, to mingle with our fellow humans and be a part of the human experience, certain restrictions have made that difficult for the foreseeable future.

Still, many of us haven’t seen that much of a change in our day to day lives in the wake of this pandemic on a social level. Many of us found ourselves socially isolated even before the barriers were placed on social interaction. For many of us, loneliness is a temporary problem while, for some of us, loneliness is an epidemic in itself.

According to research from the Health Resources and Services Administration, 2 in 5 Americans report that they either sometimes or always feel that their social relationships are not meaningful while 1 in 5 say they feel lonely or socially isolated. Further, according to Brigham Young University professor Julianne…



Renee Rose
Invisible Illness

Freelance Writer. Blogger. UFO enthusiast and lover of space. Email me at: