The Reason You Don’t Have OCD

Mason Sabre
Invisible Illness
Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2019


Photpgraph By corepics at Adobe Stock

I want to clear somethings up about the mental illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD. I know I talk about it a lot but has almost become my driving force to enlighten people and help them to understand what the illness is. Because it is an illness and not a cool and hip thing, we all want to have. Believe me, if you had real OCD, you’d not be bragging about it like some medal you can wear when you want.

OCD is a horrifically debilitating illness which unfortunately has had its severity diminished with the culture of misunderstanding. Once upon a time, it would be embarrassing to say you have OCD, now it seems, everyone is a little OCD, or so OCD, as they like to say. Excuse me a moment while I throttle these people.


We all have anxiety in one way or another. It is part of the great survival mechanism inbuilt in us all. It is normal to be anxious about things, to feel worried, even to have a few heart palpitations here and there when faced with something that sets us out of our comfort zone. Being nervous before a big speech does not mean you have an anxiety disorder. Checking you locked the door before you went out more than once, does not mean you have OCD. They just mean you’re normal. Congratulations.




Mason Sabre
Invisible Illness

Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner.