The Science-Backed Link Between Anxiety and Depression

Proving something that I could always see in myself.

Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2020


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I’ve always seen the connection between anxiety disorders and depression in my own life. It’s impossible for me to ignore.

As a sufferer of both conditions, I identify with anxiety first and foremost as it’s so prevalent and in my face (think of the tantrum of a loud toddler), but I can also feel when my underlying mood turns dark. I struggle to get myself going and always come back to the question of what’s the point? What’s the point in anything and why is everything so stuck? I should surely be able to break out of this and fix it.

Notice how the panic of anxiety is still attacking me there even when I’m feeling low? What exactly do I have the entitlement to fix?

Establishing the connection

The logic I turn to is that if someone is constantly being attacked by fears and worries (and it is an attack, a relentless one), it is absolutely inevitable that it is going to impact their mood. How can you or I not become discouraged when the mind fixates on exaggerated, catastrophised scenarios on a constant loop?

“How can you not become discouraged when your mind fixates on exaggerated…



Invisible Illness

I write about mental health, mentality, mindset, habits & personal development.