The Stubborn Determination To Become a Therapist

There have been many emotional trials and tribulations during this journey.

Synthia Stark
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2021


I’m an aspiring therapist, and it’s been many years in the making. Where I live, to become a therapist, you have to pursue multiple degrees, overcome the competitive hurdles associated with each degree, pursue additional field training, and many more.

Essentially, to become a therapist you need to have that love for life-long learning, and there are many holes where people can easily fall and not even make it to the next round.

For example, when I was in undergraduate school, it wasn’t good enough to have that great grade, you needed a specific type of voluntary or paid work, allied training, research experience, and academic publications.

Even then, you weren’t guaranteed into graduate school.

The industry itself is heavily regulated so they don’t expect you to already be in the field. Yet, time and time again, loopholes were taken by some peers to train in other countries or to study other related degrees — just to have a chance to make it to the next round.

None of these options are cheap. As you can imagine, this narrows the pool to only those who are able to afford it — and it certainly narrowed what I…



Synthia Stark
Invisible Illness

Canadian Therapist & Former Researcher | 5x Top Writer | Writing about mental health, psychology, science, etc.