The Surprising Truths Autism Can Teach You About Communication

Autistic people are known for bluntness — but is that a bad thing?

Avery | Content Milkshake
Published in
6 min readDec 31, 2020


Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash

It’s strange how the tiniest moments of life get stuck in your head and play on loop. Recently, my memory earworm is about a beverage.

My boyfriend and I had been together for well over a year when it happened, and we went to my parents’ house to hang out with my family. We sat down on the couch like we always did, and a few minutes later, my sister asked, “Aren’t you going to offer him a drink?”

I was flabbergasted. Was I supposed to get him a beverage? Why did I have to get him a drink, but he didn’t have to get me a drink? Hell, why did anyone need a drink? Is there a reason he would be thirsty? I’m sure he would tell me if he was thirsty, and then I’d get him a glass of water. Or did she mean alcohol? I mean, weird, but I could go for a glass of Moscato…

Looking back, I remember going to my friends’ houses as a child. You enter their home, invade their personal space, and you’re immediately offered a beverage. You enter someone else’s house, and now it’s yours, and they have to wait on you. I never thought about it. I never connected the dots.

It’s “etiquette.”



Avery | Content Milkshake
Invisible Illness

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