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There Aren’t Procedures for This

COVID Fatigue & The Ongoing Fight for American Workers

Invisible Illness
Published in
11 min readDec 16, 2020


In the beginning, I thought I was prepared for a pandemic. At least, better than most. I was wrong about that. The stress of running a perpetual marathon in this environment is unraveling my psyche. I alternate between affirming self-talk and sinking into a pool of profound negativity. Most days, the latter is winning.

The stakes are exceedingly high now, complex, and different in the types of decision-making I’ve built a career around. I should be proficient at this.

Full disclosure: I’m not. I’m struggling. I am suffering COVID fatigue.

The next few months are predicted to be challenging, with increased illnesses and more tragic deaths. Yes, the end is in sight. Vaccines are here. We just have to tow the line for a while. “Hang on,” I tell myself and my clients. But the dark present seems long and brutal — a bleak winter landscape in the workplaces of America.

Many professionals have expressed their frustrations and despair about the pandemic crisis and the impacts on their industries. Add mine to the choir singing the Coronavirus Blues. I’m just another voice here, offering insight into the workplace disaster I see unfolding daily.



Elle C.
Invisible Illness

Writings of a solivagant, gypsy soul, foodie, and pirate hopeful. Unconventional mother. Sometimes profane. Occasionally profound.