Using CBT Frameworks to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How reframing your thoughts can banish your recurring self-doubt

Mathilde Langevin
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2021


I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve concluded I could be the poster child for imposter syndrome. Having long been victimized by my own thoughts, I decided not too long ago that I was sick and tired of living in constant self-doubt.

Since my psychology degree has drilled academic research into me, I decided to take up the matter in my own hands. After pouring through loads of psychoanalysis research, I have discovered a few techniques that can – at the very least – make it more manageable. While a licensed professional is best equipped to give personalized advice, it is possible for you to reduce the impact of these negative thoughts on your everyday life.

But first, let’s start with the basics.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter phenomenon (or often called imposter syndrome) is a common experience that can occur in an individual for a variety of different reasons. Although it is not categorized in the DSM as a mental illness, this classification system does recognize that low self-esteem and a sense of failure (both experienced with imposter phenomenon) are associated symptoms of depression and anxiety.



Mathilde Langevin
Invisible Illness

Calm-conscious minimalist seeking balance through a simple & mindful life. I write about all things wellness for lifestyle brands + creatives.