We Don’t Suffer from Mental Illness — We Live With It

Changing the perspective on how we view mental illness

Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2021


Much like other illnesses, we tend to say that we suffer from the symptoms this illness manifests.

We are suffering when we experience unpleasant symptoms — our own body is revolting against us somehow.

I knew I had anxiety and depression for much of my life, but I hid it and masked the symptoms. I honestly didn’t believe that I had a mental illness. Instead, I thought it was all my fault that I was feeling this way.

If I could ‘snap out of it, my life would change. And now, three years later, I know that this is not true.

I gained a lot of insight into mental health after I graduated college with my bachelor’s degree in psychology. I wanted to get into the field of mental health and help those in need.

So I figured the best way to accomplish this goal was to work in a psychiatric hospital. And that’s what I did.

I worked in a psychiatric hospital as a mental health technician. I only worked in this position for a little over six months, but it has completely changed how I see mental health.

While working at the hospital, I saw many different patients with a wide array of mental health…



Invisible Illness

MS in Psychology | Mom of three cats, a puppy, and many plants | That Psych Nerd |