What Full-Blown Mania is Like

And why I think I could sustain it my whole life…

Aimée Sparrow
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2019


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

When you are manic, from the tell-tale symptoms of bipolar disorder, you feel unbelievably powerful, indomitable, and extremely euphoric, and your mind’s processing power increases tenfold. You have an onslaught of random, creative, brilliant thoughts, and you are somehow able to play full orchestral background music in your head while reading lyrics for your favorite song.

I now realize there are modes of consciousness with extraordinary potential for insight and creativity. Enlightenment during mania forever changed my life goal and passion, and even though I do not have the exclusive access I had to the thoughts and realizations I had when in that state, I remember the nature of my experience and the assertions I was able to make. I can trace back and try to explain where they came from, but it’s not possible to fully grasp them without access to parallel processing and the ability to experience on-demand simulation through immediate access to our memories. I hope to reach the state again in an even more controlled setting, perhaps this time through practice and discipline, and then further analyze all the new knowledge present in my mind.

After an awakening, usually one is at a higher level of consciousness, with access to the flexible multi-dimensional…



Aimée Sparrow
Invisible Illness

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering. aimee.sparrowling@gmail.com