What to Expect When Setting Boundaries With Your Abuser

Things will get harder before they get easier

Nikki Kay
Published in
9 min readJul 13, 2020


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Once, my mother apologized to me.

As it was only the one time, I remember it clearly.

I was home from college, and I’d been working a summer job as a waitress. I’d made plans to go out after work with a guy I worked with, Isaías, who I’d been sort of seeing while I was home.

I’d told my parents where I was going and that I’d be home around 10. “Okay, honey,” my mother had said as I walked out the door.

After my shift was over, I went out with Isaías as planned, and while we were out my mother called me on my cell.

“Nikki.” I could hear her clenched teeth, tight lips. “Where the f*** are you.”

I looked at the clock; it was only 9:00. My heart dropped into my stomach as I began wracking my brain to figure out how I had transgressed so I could begin to mitigate the damage before I got home. I came up blank.

“Um, out with Isaías?” I said.

“Oh? You’re not out with Hector?” she demanded. “Because he just called here.”

Her tone was accusatory despite the obvious question of why Hector — a boyfriend from two years prior — would be calling my parents’ house…



Nikki Kay
Invisible Illness

Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two. messymind.substack.com