What To Say When Someone Is Suicidal

A first aid kit for family and friends

Julia Appa
Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2021


Photo by C Technical from Pexels

It is estimated that 800 000 people die by suicide each year. That is one person every 40 seconds. Therefore, it’s no exaggeration to say that suicide is more deadly than homicide.

When you’ve been depressed for a long time, having suicidal thoughts is pretty common. It doesn’t always mean that you want to end your life straight away, just that you feel utterly miserable and don’t know what to do about it.

“But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.” — Albert Camus

When you think of ending your life, it’s a sign that something in your life is going terribly wrong. You want to end the pain that you are feeling every day.

I‘ve been there and I mostly kept my thoughts to myself because I didn’t want to worry anyone.

However, depression doesn’t disappear if you ignore it and pretend that everything‘s fine. Talking about it is a vital part of weakening the symptoms and taking steps towards recovery and healing.

We have never learned what to do or say when someone opens up about their suicidal thoughts.



Julia Appa
Invisible Illness

Just a 23-year-old who’s obsessed with writing. Instagram: juliaminus_romeo