When Binging on Netflix Might Actually Be a Good Thing

But only as long as it’s a temporary coping mechanism

Adriana Sim
Published in
5 min readJan 16, 2021


We’ve all had the occasional sleepless night when we just had to finish that binge-worthy season of our favorite show. But when some people repeat this behavior, we call binge-watching an addiction instead of seeing it for what it really is: a coping mechanism.

Take the problem away, and binge-watchers will revert to their everyday lives, just as soon as there’s no more pain to numb.

I should know this first-hand. Binge-watching has been a crutch that I’m not proud of, but it has gotten me through some tough times.

Dealing with breakups

About twelve years ago, I went through a horrible breakup, the kind you go through when your heart gets broken for the very first time. The relationship was short-lived but intense and irrational in ways that only twenty-somethings can experience. I ended things even though I still felt very addicted to that person.

Sketchy streaming websites were the only thing that got me through that period in my life. For weeks, I laid in my bed, eating ramen noodles and watching episode after episode of illegally downloaded Grey’s Anatomy. And whatever else was trending in 2009.



Adriana Sim
Invisible Illness

In the process of GYST’ing and following my intuition. Gave up a career in medicine to pursue writing, blogging, and, most of all, living.