When You Worship Someone, You Will Destroy Them, And They Will Destroy You

Ryan Fan
Invisible Illness


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

To worship something means to treat it like it were a God, and in no place do we worship things more than in our friendships and relationships. We worship the people in our lives, from our friends, siblings, parents, teachers, and in our worship, we expect people to behave like God, too. We expect perfect morality, perfect treatment, and perfect everything. We give up on those people when they fail to meet our lofty expectations. We deny them the ability to be human, and what greater injustice is there, then?

When we worship someone, we will be destroyed, because they will always fall short of our expectations. But that, too, is a two-way street. We will destroy the people we worship because we treat them as projects to fix, fine-tune, and adjust to our likings. Worshipping someone makes them innately inhuman, denies them the ability to live their lives and make their own choices. People have needs and meant to be listened to. They are not meant to be idolized.

I have witnessed a fair amount of drug and alcohol interventions in my day, whether for myself or for my friends. I do not believe they work, most of the time. I believe that society has a misconception about addiction. The addiction is usually not the problem, but is a band-aid solution to deeper issues. I believe you cannot make…



Ryan Fan
Invisible Illness

Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”