Why Financial Trauma is Pervasive Among First Gens (Like Me)

An anxiety-ridden reminder of socioeconomic status

Jess Mailinh
Invisible Illness
Published in
7 min readNov 16, 2022


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Nearly two years ago, I asked for my first raise and title promotion after an excellent performance appraisal and bonus.

They agreed to give me a senior title, but not the appropriate salary.

My manager asked, “Aren’t you already making enough? How much more do you really need?”

I had no idea what to say or how to respond, especially as a first-gen raised by refugee immigrant parents.

Why wouldn’t more money matter if I earned it?

Is it wrong to want to be paid fairly?

Should I just accept less and be happy?

These are questions that run through my mind regularly.

Coming from generational wealth versus nothing

Since age 8, I’ve always been very aware of my family’s socioeconomic status.

My mom grew up in Da Nang and lived in a small hut-like home built on land by the water.

Her parents were very poor fishermen. She got her first job selling toasted rice paper after school…



Jess Mailinh
Invisible Illness

I teach developers how to create technical content that isn’t boring. Love to share useful info. BPD & mental health advocate. First-gen. INFJ. 🐦@jessmailinh