And how you can avoid some of my mistakes

Meredith Arthur
Invisible Illness
Published in
Sep 4, 2022


If I’m being totally honest, I opened the book with low expectations.

The author, Dr Thomas Insel, is a leader in the field and quite well-respected, but that wasn’t enough for me. I have a natural distrust in the system that failed me for decades. And since Dr Insel was the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) from 2002–2015, he represented that system.

I didn’t think his book would have much to tell me. I was wrong. In this newsletter, I will share some of Insel’s most clear-eyed, honest insights that can help you, too….

To read the rest of this newsletter, please click here!



Meredith Arthur
Invisible Illness

I"m the Chief of Staff of TwoTwenty @Pinterest and wrote the book Get Out Of My Head: Inspiration for Overthinkers in an Anxious World, out now.