Why You Should Social Distance From Social Media

Hiding in the digital world is not how you love yourself

Dayon Cotton
Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2021


Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

“Free speech is one of the most important things to me, but I think it gets confusing when it comes to offense. Because for one, just because you have the right to say anything, it doesn’t mean you have to.”

— Comedian Ricky Gervais —

Why Are We So Angry?

Viewing my social media these days is a lot like annual Black Friday shopping in America. There are so many good options to look at, but being there is an absolute clusterfuck.

With much of the world in a state of self-isolation, so too is our social lives. To deal with the current events of today, we did what we always do — moved everything to the internet. In this case, the majority of our social interaction is now happening in digital spaces and virtual places.

Honestly, if this is our new normal, this is going to be one hell of a ride.

With everyone confined to their homes, social media feels like an even bigger dumpster fire than usual. Now everyone and their best friend’s mother has an opinion…



Dayon Cotton
Invisible Illness

I write dope articles about social issues, life lessons, and living a better life, dayon1020@gmail.com, Follow My Twitter! @dayoncotton00, Active Duty US Navy