
Kimberly Ann (Charbeneau)
Invisible Illness
1 min readFeb 21, 2019


They get me in trouble

Every time

They tumble out

Of my mouth

Like lava flowing

Feelings, sometimes just thoughts

Sometimes an answer

To a question

I thought was asked

Sometimes, just

A poorly worded joke

I guess one

That only I found humor in

Sometimes I think

Someone asked

For advice or my opinion

Sadly I gave it freely

Only to find

My input was not wanted

Be honest

Speak up

Words apparently

Only meant for others

Not me

One more night

I lay down to sleep

Plagued by worry

What did I say wrong

this time?

Too many words

Not enough?

Wrong inflection?

Were they read or heard wrong?

Did I say something

I had no right to?

Conversations that once

Flowed freely

Now strained

Perhaps it’s just me

Surely it is,

it couldn’t be others

I should work harder

To silence my voice

Just nod and smile

Pretend that that’s all that is needed

Keep these words

From tumbling thru

My lips

They’re not wanted

They cause discomfort

Or pain

Silent words


And forever more

Not even whispers

Just thoughts

Carried deep

Within my heart



That will


Be released

As tears

That fall gently

From eye

To eyelash

And from lash to cheek

Perhaps caught

In the glint

Of a sunray

Or pearlized

By a moonbeam

Finally understood

Heard and accepted

By a soul

Such as mine….



Kimberly Ann (Charbeneau)
Invisible Illness

Words From A Jar - poetry, short stories and thoughts about words, emotion, LIFE! Self Publishing Author — https://www.amazon.com/author/kimberlycharbeneau