You Are Special in Every Way

For those who are depressed or even suicidal due to feeling purposeless or unsuccessful, this is for you.

Tina Teresa Tran
Invisible Illness
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2020


Image by 7901455 on Pixabay

The value you think you lack has been there since the moment you were brought into the world.

I believe that God had a plan for each and every one of us. However, we are not meant to perfect, or else we would be equivalent to Him, the perfect being — this corresponds to René Descartes’ concept of human imperfection in his Meditations on First Philosophy.

Whether or not you have faith in God, it is true that we travel on different paths. Throughout life, we come across obstacles on these paths, and we are often forced to make choices that will decide our future. Of course, the paths are not all structurally the same. Some are straight, some have curves, and some may even have ridges. For every obstacle you encounter, you must decide if you want to take a detour or traverse through it — the latter is definitely harder to do, but it has a greater chance of producing better results or having a better outcome. Certain people may have it easier, but that does not mean it is impossible for the rest to reach the same destination. With hard work and dedication, anything you strive for is possible.

When you look at others’ successes, you may develop a feeling of jealousy or uselessness. It is natural for one to be disappointed in themself upon realizing that people are actually doing better in life than they are. You may wish you were someone else or ask, “What good can I do in the world?” The truth, though it may be hard to accept, is that you can never be someone else. You were intended to be you, and no one can ever be you either. You are physically a copy of your parents’ genes, but mentally and personality-wise you are unique.

You were given only one chance to live, and you have the right to make your own decisions. Why wouldn’t you do your best to make life worth it? Yes, some choices might not turn out to be great in the end, but it is better to experience failure and try again than to never try at all. Instead of blaming yourself for what you cannot achieve, be proud of what you can. Remember: we were not born perfect. We have our individual skills and strengths. One may be good at playing the piano; another may be good at painting. In general, there is a limit to human capability, and there is only so much that man can achieve. Thus, you should not force yourself to learn everything during your lifetime. Rather, explore a hobby or career that interests you and master it to the best of your ability.

Similarly, I believe that not one person has possession of everything in the world. For instance, it is rare for a model to also be a singer (note that I am not saying this isn’t possible). The iconic Stevie Wonder, as another example, was not blessed with vision but rather with musical talent and fame. A small percentage of people are millionaires and/or even billionaires, but having money does not always guarantee happiness — many problems, whether personal, social, or economic, come with being a rich person. This is perhaps God’s doing, for He is equal to everyone regardless of the circumstances in which they were brought up. (For those who are asking, “What about those singers who have looks, fame, AND wealth?”: Those qualities didn’t come out of nowhere. These singers have worked hard to achieve fame and wealth. As for looks, some are actually blessed with beauty and others not. For many celebrities, plastic surgery is an option since they have the money for it.)

Now, let’s do a small exercise: observe the following photo.

Image by Steve Halama on Unsplash.

Think of yourself as the jar, and you are amidst the darkness. This darkness may be overwhelming because it doesn’t have a defined shape; it seems infinitely large. You feel enclosed by it, but within you, there is light. The light you possess can brighten the dark, letting your insecurities and depression fade. If you so choose to spread this light to other people, perhaps they will also be saved from the dark. If we all collectively do this, the world would be a much brighter and more beautiful place. We can come to appreciate each others’ “perfect imperfections”, as John Legend had put it in his song, “All of Me”. To be the shining light for not only yourself but also for others is the ultimate goal. Although the amount of time it takes to discover the light within varies for each and every one of us, we can at least be certain that it exists.

You have potential. You are amazing. You are capable of great things. It might seem as if nothing is working out your way, but your time to shine is coming very soon. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed, because there are people out there who are willing to help you go far in life.

If you give yourself a chance to continue, I promise that you will not regret it because the best in you will unveil itself. Keep fighting no matter how curved or rigid your path is. Just be patient and you will find your light in no time.

I would like to end with the following quote:

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson

Thanks for reading, and I hope this brought some positivity into your life. ❤️



Tina Teresa Tran
Invisible Illness

Future PharmD, Musician, Catholic Christian, Aspiring Writer. I mainly write about mental health, psychology, and lifestyle.