Your Eating Disorder Is Still Valid

Even if one of the following applies

Fleurine Tideman
Published in
6 min readApr 17, 2022


Photo by Antonius Ferret / Pexels

*The following article discusses eating disorders in detail. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, consider that this might be triggering, and visit BEAT for support. Here are tips for helping a loved one struggling.*

I don’t often go into specifics regarding my eating disorder. This is a conscious choice, as I don’t like how competitive such discussions can become. I don’t want to ‘defend’ my experience and prove that I had it bad enough. Having an eating disorder often feels like you’re constantly validating your experience and trying to prove that you struggled, not only to other people but to yourself as well.

No matter what your experience was, your eating disorder is still valid, because you struggled. Eating disorders rob you of innocence surrounding food and your appearance, and that should never be undermined.

1. You’re not underweight

This is one of the most common misconceptions of eating disorders, and also one of the most dangerous. We assume that someone has to be severely underweight for their eating disorder to be valid. It also…



Fleurine Tideman

Freelance copywriter. SEO marketer. Aspiring novelist. Top Writer in Mental Health. Writing the articles I once needed. My newsletter: