Your Phone Is Designed Like a Slot Machine To Keep You Addicted to it.

Ramsay Lewis
Invisible Illness


Photo by Benoit Dare on Unsplash

Ever wonder why it is so hard to get off Facebook or Twitter?

Sure, partly it’s because we like connecting with our friends. And they are great places to get news. But sometimes we feel like we can’t stop scrolling. It can feel like we’re addicted.


Because our phone and many of the apps we use are intentionally designed to get you hooked. This article explains how they do it — why it’s difficult to stop using our phones even when we want to.

I also suggest one simple hack to help you get off your phone and back to real life.

What is an addiction and what causes it?

First, a quick note on what “addiction” actually is. Addiction occurs when a person “uses substances or engage in behaviours that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.” Simply doing something or using substances a lot is not enough to be considered an addiction. To be an addiction, there must be excessive use coupled with harmful consequences. These harmful consequences can include negative effects on work, school, or relationships.

We usually talk about addiction to substances like tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and opioids. But behavioural addictions…



Ramsay Lewis
Invisible Illness

Ramsay is a content marketing manager ( based in Brazil. When not writing, you can find him cycling or looking for his keys.