The Invisible Lab stories

Francisco Almeida Maia
Invisible Lab


Hi! Welcome to this new publication by Invisible Lab!

We are a team of software engineers, computer science researchers and systems administrators that put their expertise at the disposal of a select number of interesting projects (at least for us :) ). Our goal is to help companies/projects in tackling hard problems for which they might not have the solutions in-house or benefit from a “second opinion” on the challenge they are facing.

The projects we have worked with in the past were typically facing challenges with distributed applications, large scale data management, and data privacy. In particular, we have been working with the latest wave of distributed applications — those written on top of blockchain platforms.

Briefly analysing at our recent experience in dealing with blockchain platforms, we found that our research effort was significantly higher than with past projects. This is mainly due to the effervescence of the space, i.e. the continuous experimentation of new ideas, new designs, and new technology but also due to the technological immaturity often found in many of the platforms. This is not necessarily because the development teams behind such platforms are doing a bad job but because, simply, there has been not enough time to write documentation, run enough tests, and so on. The race is on and everyone wants to be the first to land the next “killer app” or, more adequately, the next “killer nft collection” or the next “killer blockchain tech”.

Much could be said and discussed regarding the space, the fuss, and the separation between real technological advances and the buzz some words create when thrown around arbitrarily. We will be happy to discuss this anytime over a cup of coffee. However, for this small publication the purpose is a bit different.

The goal here is to organise some of our discoveries and share our experiences from the projects we have worked on in the form of small technical articles. We hope these are useful to others and help people build great things. As a side effect, we also hope they may trigger some discussions and fruitful contributions on the topics of the previous paragraph.

Thank you for getting this far and hope we find you here for the next articles! To pique your curiosity, the first series of articles will be about our experience with the Solana platform. Stay tuned!

Have a nice one!
your friends from the Invisible Lab

