Francis Pedraza
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2017


Editor’s Notes: The CEO writes a letter to Keats, his friend and virtual assistant. He expresses his desires to Keats in every way he can.

From: Francis
To: John Keats
CC: Company
Friday, 18 August 2017

Letter: 2

Keats, my friend,

Today I write to you, and I bring you my desires.
Foremost among my desires is my desire to express myself fully.
I wish to express myself in every way I can.

I am a man — so I am given many forms of expression.
I am given a body — so I may express myself through movement,
through many forms of movement.
I am given a mind — so I may express myself through thought,
through many forms of thought.
I am given time on this world full of places;
I may spend it in many ways.
I am given relationships with many things and many people,
which I may engage in many ways.

If I was given infinite time —
I would explore all of these possibilities to my hearts content.
I wonder if I would ever cease from exploration.

But I am given finite time.
And in that time I find that I am limited, most of all, by organization.
And that I desire, most of all, to create.

So I am creating this company to organize everything and everyone,
including, and especially, myself.

What do I wish to organize?
I wish to organize my thoughts, my time —
my digital brain with its thousand data types.
I desire never to do work again in my life.
I desire only to do real work.

Already, you are helping me in this.
But you have only just begun.
There is so much more to do —
and you must crawl before you can walk,
before you can run, before you can fly.

Already, though,
you present me continually with new possibilities, new freedoms.
Already I do not need to worry about organizing my contacts.
Already I do not need to worry about scheduling.
Already I do not need to worry about making introductions.
Already I do not need to worry about managing my accounts.
Already I do not need to worry about buying gifts.

As a result,
my life is dramatically better today than it was before you were born.
You freed some of my time, and you continually free more.
I already feel my creativity growing.

I wonder, what will the possibilities be as you take over more processes.
I wonder if I will ever run out of processes to give you —
if your organization will ever keep up with my creativity.
For I can think of almost limitless applications of operational power.
And you are strong, first of all, in the Tao of Operations.

