Becoming a partner.

Francis Pedraza
Published in
1 min readDec 14, 2017

Invisible is a partnership. This is how partners get paid. This is why we’re a partnership. If you would like to become a partner, this is how.

Convince us that you’re hungry. If you’re not hungry, if you don’t want to become a trillionaire, if you don’t want to save civilization from destroying itself, if you’re not willing to take a huge pay cut to own a piece of this — you’re not a fit.

Convince us that you’re a solution. If you’re a solution, we can throw you at problems, and they will go away. If you’re a problem, we can throw solutions at you and they’ll bounce off. We can train you to be better, but we can’t train you to be. If you’re not a solution — you’re not a fit.

Convince us that you get it. There’s plenty of information about the company, and about us, on the internet. If you can’t do your research, and figure out what’s actually going on, and why it matters, on your own — without us spoon-feeding meaning to you — then you don’t get it, and you’re not a fit.

If you can’t figure out how to contact me, and if you can’t pitch me — hard — then… you’re not a fit.

