The UFO Above

A True Story.

JD's Stories From the Mountain ~
Invisible Pillar


Photo by Albert Antony on Unsplash

The Air Force finalized and issued “Project Blue Book”, in 1969. This was the Government saying “yes, we see what you think you see, but …”.

I have seen UFOs and I am thoroughly convinced we are not alone. I believe the potential of aliens being on this planet and watching us on this planet is beyond debatable.

Our solar system is one of the billions just in our own tiny space, our own little galaxy. Consider there are untold trillions of galaxies. The mathematical odds of other beings far more advanced than us existing, and visiting us, are undeniable. Or are they?

There was a paper published in Scientific American last year discussing exactly this. The article can be found here. It’s quite in-depth and very interesting. But it doesn’t persuade me into believing there are no other life forms. Because someone is piloting those things.

But I digress…

It was the summer of 1972. My college roommate invited me to go to Chicago for a week. We spent the week as most 21-year-olds would. Took up quilting, scrapbooking, and emersed ourselves in silly walks, dead parrots, and the like. Learning new things is always good.

By the end of our week, we wanted to relax and soak in the past week and… yeah…hang out with girls. But we were leaving the next day…



JD's Stories From the Mountain ~
Invisible Pillar

I write non-fiction stories about My Life, My Journey with Prostate Cancer and Spirituality. My location: a mountain top in the Blue Ridge Mts.