Every Sunday | #1

Invisible Self


Eleven hour shifts. Money on my right hand and tickets on my left. Meaningless “thank you”s and “please come again”s leave my mouth.

I feel disgusted. The one thing I need isn’t there – meaning.

Secretly cursing under my breath for every troublesome customer I have to deal with while putting out a smile out there just to avoid any conflict or complaints.


A façade. If there is anything this had taught me, it is to master the art of switching between two persons.

I would like to think I already have two minds – one for dealing with real life issues and reminding me to act like a normal human being and another for me to enter my other world.

One that made me accustomed to sadness and depression. One that made me believe in things nobody believed in. One that allowed me to truly be myself without anyone in the world caring.

Yes, this job gives me money. Yes, this job opened my eyes to a different perspective about life. Yes, this job made me learn about the hidden stories of our fellow countrymen.

And yes, this job was another stepping stone for me to achieve my personal goals. So maybe, just maybe, this isn’t so bad after all huh?

#1 – Même pas mal.

