photo by Benjamin Balázs (Unsplash)

of anger and impatience | #13

Invisible Self
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2018


She has had enough of it all.

The constant unnecessary decisions that she had to make between people and her craft. She is losing her patience for people who cannot understand her, and people who do not care about anybody else but themselves because they think that everybody wants the same things as they do.

Well, they don’t.

These people, they are scared of being different, scared of not being normal and accepted by everyone around them. They dismiss any anomaly that comes their way without thinking twice. They try so damn hard to impose their presence on everybody else and making everybody else follow suit. This makes them part of something larger. They have successfully colonised a group of people to make them feel less different.

She shakes her head in disagreement.

She sighs.

But she doesn’t say a word.

She turns around and walk away from it all, unconcerned about being the only one who doesn’t fit in with the rest. With a smile on her face, she walks back home.

Away from it all.

Back to where she came from. Back to where she didn’t have to make constant unnecessary decisions between people and her craft.

#13 – je te connais.

