10 Natural Antidepressants You Should Include in Your Life

Small changes in your quotidian that will prevent and reduce stress

Britanny Levy
Inviting Growth


Photo by Lee on Canva

Nobody is immune to stress. Either from a job, family, friends, or the world catastrophes (natural and human-made), your mental health is always in check.

You don’t live in a bubble, protected from stressors. You live in a real -sometimes fucked up- life, with problems appearing out of nowhere; with illness, unemployment, horrible bosses or colleagues, with betrayal or loss.

Life is hard. But life is also amazingly beautiful.

Your life is like a compass, moving North, South, East or West; sometimes moving slowly, others the pointer circles so fast you get dizzy and confused. Sometimes you even get lost. But you always find your way back.

You just can’t stop moving. You must move forward, not looking back, the past is gone, there’s nothing you can do about it, nor being anxious about the future, it’s unpredictable. You need to be here, in the present, living what life offers you now.

There are several things you can do to live healthily, both with blisses and the stressors of your life. You won’t ever get rid of them, so you need to learn to live with them.



Britanny Levy
Inviting Growth

Professional domestic abuse advocate by day; a writer by night and a street photographer in my free time. A counsellor in the make.