Just Start Everything Will Work Out

In Zpr
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2020
Image by 1388843 Pixabay

One of the most hardest things to do in life when you want to change is where to begin. I admit it is not the easiest thing to do as you have so many things going against you. You are not just fighting the external forces, you are fighting the interval forces as well.

So were do you begin? The best way to start something new especially something you have never done is to grab a journal and figure out what do you really want to do. If you think how the world works around you, you will notice there is order to how things are made and how things function in life.

It is no different with you, you have to create some type of structure for yourself and order for yourself to see how you want things to come out in your life. If you have a journal or don’t have one, go down to the store and buy one. Now the way this will work is make sure you have a quite place that you can go to and don’t write down anything that is an obstacle to you at the moment.

1. Write down what you want to start or what you want to accomplish.

2. Write how you intend to get from point A to point B.

3. Write your goals and be clear about those goals giving them time lines and goals that are achievable.

Now that you have done all those three things, you can write down all the things that are keeping you back from starting. Be very honest on answering your questions. When you finish, you should have your answer right before you and you can begin to find the resources to help you start.

None of this is easy as I had to go through the same process when I started to create my business. There is more to just writing things down, you really have to evaluate yourself and get to know yourself it does start with you.

Just remember that you are not the only one to experience this. Some of the most successful people in the world were in your shoes trying to figure out life and how to get started. Another part of this equation is studying some of the most successful people in the world, read their books and apply the wisdom that they have shared in your situation.

The best advice I can give you is never give up I know it sounds like a cliche because we hear this all the time but it is the truth you just have to trust the process that you have created, find the resources and if you have to get a mentor or read motivational books to help you get there do it because your dreams are worth going for. Though you may not see how it will work, I love what Steve Jobs said in one of his speeches, that you cannot connect the dots when your moving forward it will only make sense when you look back on your life how those dot’s connected.

Just remember to focus your intentions on what you want to accomplish, rewire your mind from the things you have been conditioned and start to create the life you want.




In Zpr
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