In Zpr
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2020


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Leading In Times Of Crisis

W hen you think of some of the leaders who led in times of crisis what leader comes to mind? Some leaders that come to my mind are Abraham Lincoln, George Patton, Winston Churchill to name a few. During their era when you read about these leaders we can see the mindset of these individuals and how they overcame such crisis that stood before them.

Leading in times of big crisis we need such leaders to face them head on and not lose hope in the face of fear. Today we are gripped with a crisis that I thought I and my family would have not been going through and for many around the world. We are a facing an enemy we can’t see and with such an enemy we need strong leadership to make very hard decisions.

In times of crisis we get to see how effective a leader is or how ineffective a leader is. Everything rises and falls on leadership and the decisions that are made during a crisis can have a big impact on an organization, corporation or a nation. Our nation and the world is faced with a virus that has gripped the whole world with models predicting hundred if not millions could die. I could see it in the face of people when I would go to the store with my wife how fearful people were. It lead to people hoarding certain products, people fighting each other and disregard for others. Fear can be a driving force to lead people to do the worst things instead of allowing the mind to think through a time of crisis.

On March 4, 1933 during his inaugural address Franklin D Roosevelt said this that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself.

For Roosevelt he was facing an economic crisis caused by the poor leadership of bankers and businessmen. Roosevelt felt that he was the leader that can turn back the nation by making tough decisions in the area of ethics but for the people of the United States that demanded tough leadership. Fear was not an option for Roosevelt it was leading through strength.

In times of crisis we need leadership to put aside fear and lead through a position of strength and a strong mindset. It is not a time to go at it alone but will require seeking the advice of others to come to a decision to do what is best for the people and the country.

In times of crisis a leader should inspire the people that serve under them and one leader that comes to mind is General Patton. His personal style of leadership was to “Get up front” he would order his officers. Patton had to inspire his men who were going to war to move in the same direction if victory was possible. In times of leadership Inspiring others to move in the same direction is key in winning a crisis.

In times of crisis a leader should not have just one plan, there should be multiple plans in case one plans does not work out. In crisis you must prepare for the worst or the worst will be the winner. A leader will need everything at their disposal and resources to overcome a crisis. A leader must seek the advice of all who will contribute to defeating the challenges that lie ahead.

In conclusion leading in times of crisis we expect leadership to be on the forefront of a crisis. It will require leading from a position of strength and not weakness. Seeking the advice of others is very important and inspiring others to move in the same direction to overcome the challenges that lie ahead in a crisis is key in defeating a crisis.



In Zpr
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