Day 1 DevCon4 (2018) , Prague

Fernando Paris
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2018

Time seems to go very fast because some months ago we requested the builder ticket, and today we are flying to prague, road to devcon4!!

Personally I am quite excited, because We are not only going to be at the most important ethereum development conference… we are going to meet all the ecosystem, including our partners jpmorgan quorum, pegasys pantheon, our brotherhood company southafrican jobmates of adhara, etc … and of course a lot of alumnis of the first ever ethereum developer course of consensys ,and hackaton mates at dubai. I am curious to know more about their projects, virtue poker, kauri, solutions, truffle, pegasys, limetech, and all the learnings since last year.

Day starts at 4 am, because our flights departs at 6 am. We arrive, uber and here we are, at the conference venue.

Strange but for the conference checkin, there was no queue on people who’s firstname starts with F. Other letters were quite full. A good start

At the entrance, we saw some stickers… a place where you can share your companies stickers, place stickers on your laptop, on your badge to share your mood.. nice! A funny photocall too.

Iobuilders has some nice stickers too!!

The first 3 hours apart from having lunch, we had the chance to share some time with , (most of the people are spaniards), some Dubai Consensys Hackaton Mates, EEA members and some new people around.

A 13:00 we decided to start feeding our minds with news and information. We stayed almost all the time at the Prism room, this what we saw and our feelings, comments:

  • EthereumJS — Our Roadmap for 2019. Quick summary about next comings. Our summary of higlights: Ewasm , lightnode, and

1830, road to hotel, some emails, works tasks to to do, dinner , more work and sleeping. Prague`s nightlife will be discovered hopefully on Day 2 and 3 :).



Fernando Paris

Working hard to improve on daily basis. Without risk there is no win! @Iobuilders ex-yaap ex-lastminute