Day 3 DevCon4 (2018) , Prague

Fernando Paris
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2018

Half of the event has already gone.. Let’s try to get the most of of these days

  • Preparing for a security audit. We expected quite more of this 2 hours workshop. Half of the time was focused on how to build a solidity contract… the other half was centered on what do they care about, look at, review as security auditors audit. Minimum 90% of coverage,Non Spaghetti code, up to date libraries, symbolic execution, functional completeness and testing approach that has sense and is understandable

Some food , networking, and a meeting with the PEGASYS guys. We shared out needs on IBFT, needs : smart contract based permissioning, stable performance, whitelists, firewall etc. They are really working hard and with a real community based focus development

Networking brings you ideas, information: Shamir keys as key recovery system, quorum by consensys, Shared docker including chain and deployed contract version

Chainlink brings a platform for oracles to build your external needs. They have asSWIFT and VISA agreement. Quite generic presentation. The official web page has common info. A project to follow and check how they include payment information and differences with oraclize.


As EVENTEUM commiters, abridge between your Ethereum smart contract events and backend microservices, it was fun to meet Kauri guys (some dubai mates) and know who is behind de scenes of the github repo.

Day 3 ends and there are some parties around. Blockchains LLC is doing a lot of noise and we decided to go to the party, perhaps it seems quite a strange marketing strategy. 10 free buses to the event… we arrive, drinks , sushi, waffles, ice cream, nice stewards and people with bodyguards…place and a mood quite opposite to devcon DNA. Countdown finishes and the speech starts, hologram, amazing videos… 15 minutes speech of 2 billionaire brothers talking about a smart city in nevada, private key custody bunker, AI, nanotechnology, vains biometry… a sandbox to start… and a final call for developers …and all of this without any drugs , hopefully there weren’t any on the food or drinks. Lets see next news and steps. Seems a mad approach but who knows.

We joined aragon’s party afterwards, drinks, music, fun… thats all for today!



Fernando Paris

Working hard to improve on daily basis. Without risk there is no win! @Iobuilders ex-yaap ex-lastminute