【Industry-Academia Cooperation】Develop innovative applications on the ioeX network?

Arctos En
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2019


ioeX is cooperating with National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST). The IoT Innovation Center of NTUST will become the node partner of ioeX. ioeX tech team will also assist and encourage students to develop more ioeX APPs on ioeX network.

Develop innovative applications on the ioeX network? people might not understand this meaning if not a programmer. This article will explain what is the meaning of “Develop innovative applications on the ioeX network”. Continue reading; invite your engineering-background friends to try on ioeX network…

Develop a new app on the ioeX network

To develop a new application on ioeX network, first, download the ieoX SDK (a software development kit); when you developed a new APP, install it on the smart device and get it connected to the ioeX network. By sharing the node, you can get IOEX rewards.

The highlight feature of the ioeX SDK is to provide a set of point-to-point transmission system for developers. ioeX welcomes programmers to build new applications on the ioeX network. To develop a new App, developer needs to complete the following such as: user interface (UI), user experience (UX), and the disassembly and combination of data in the transmission process. Still, the most important element is the practicality of an innovation.

What is ioeX SDK?

Explain the SDK with Microsoft Word App: OS (Operating System) such as Android, iOS, Windows, Linux. In other words, Word can be only operated in a limited of operating systems. The SDK in Word is similar to the txt function in Word App, enables the user with some basic functions. When the user wants to use some fancy fonts, the application plug-in, which is built on the Word’ SDK.

Develop new crypto-token on the ioeX public chain

In terms of blockchain, just like Ethereum, ioeX is also a public-chain; the developers can develop new cryptocurrencies on the ioeX public chain. The developer could also create new blockchain applications (DApps) through smart contracts, such as blockchain voting systems.

The latest ioeX SDK download link has not been released yet. The current ieoX SDK on Github is an old version and cannot be docked with ieoX network. However, developers can still try the system environment of point to point transmission via it. ioeX will release the latest ieoX SDK in the near future. Please stay tuned with us, and follow up our official platform or ioeX’ Github: http://bit.ly/2lra0a0.

Read More

【Industry-Academia Cooperation】 ioeX and NTUST: http://bit.ly/2YPrUSB

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Arctos En

Arctos is a distribution network ecosystem that aims to free the internet to the world.