[DEX] People making Ionia DEX — Holder-

Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2018

This is IONIA :)

In Ionia DEX, there are several types of participants for trading, which is the original function of the exchange.


They form a deal at Ionia DEX.
The exchange will move.

You can see in previous posts about the role of makers and takers.

I’m going to talk about the holder today.

What role does Holder play in Ionia DEX?

: IONIA DEX does not deal in crypto currency, but a user who stores/manages cryptog currency in Multiwallet IONIA.

For example
Although it has various crypto asset by purchasing cryptocurrency through various exchanges, it is a user who uses multi-wallet Ionia to manage them as assets in one place in anticipation of future value.

They don’t sell at Ionia DEX, but they’re the ones who can participate in Ionia DEX at any future time.

Ionia is a DEX, but it also provides multi-wallet Ionia, which can manage hundreds of different types of cryptocurrencies.

We’re creating an ecosystem called Ionia that allows us to conveniently manage assets for people with assets and to grow new assets from those assets.

So, Just keeping the crypto asset We’re building a system that pays NIA tokens without trading cryptocurrencies in IONIA DEX.

cryptocurrency is now recognized as an asset, and if you leave it in the bank, you’ll get as much interest as it is worth.

However, traditional financial institutions are still conservative about cryptocurrencies and do not deal with them as assets.

So, in Ionia, just by storing these assets would be the first Multi wallet and DEX to pay off similarly to interest.

So, how much is the reward just by keeping it?

If an individual keeps the crypto currency in Multi-wallet Ionia, the total value of the crypto asset will be measured and rewarded accordingly.

The value of the crypto currencies will be based on Weiss Rating.
Of course, the reward will be paid in different ways.

I’m still not going to release you with detailed rates or specific figures, but I don’t think it’s going to be recognized as an asset and rewarded anywhere else.

So why reward these holders?

As a user of a large ecosystem called Ionia, I think participating in and using the ecosystem is a role.

And if these holders can be makers at any time and play this new role, they will be potential participants in solving liquidity problems.

free to manage the crypto asset,
free to order cryptocurrencies.
Free trade in cryptocurrencies.

You’ll be able to circle around any role you want.

Of course, the rewards are larger for those who play a more active role, so becoming a maker/taker can increase your assets.

The ideal ecosystem will eventually become a win-win structure for each other, and Ionia DEX wants to build a win-win system for all participating users.

Ionia DEX


What role would you like to play in?

“Manage scattered crypto assets in one convenient wallet, participate in Ionia DEX, and get compensation for NIA Token! “

Ionia project and product introduction website

The Project IONIA http://www.ionia.one

Twitter https://twitter.com/Ionia_io

Github https://github.com/IONIA-Foundation

Raddit https://www.reddit.com/user/ionia0129

