[DEX] What are the current limits of decentralized exchange?

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3 min readAug 29, 2018

This is IONIA :)

I’ve explained DEX, the decentralized exchange. I also explained the advantages of DEX. These DEXs are not perfect exchanges!!

The current DEX is definitely limited.

They have their own advantages to solve the problems that existing exchanges have. DEX, just in the beginning, is still limited.

I’ll tell you today what the limits are!

The biggest problem DEX has is a lack of liquidity

DEX, which still lacks a lot of users compared to traditional exchanges, which currently have a variety of problems, is facing liquidity problems.

The problem of lack of liquidity is

If anyone wants to sell the crypto asset, nobody wants to buy it?!
There are people who want to buy certain crptocurrency, but no one wants to sell them?!

This is a problem caused by a typical lack of liquidity.

The exchange is a place where a lot of people are gathered to buy and sell and the business needs to be brisk. Buliding a platform with lots of people to get the money from one wallet to the other is the most important. However, the new DEX makes it difficult to secure these users and, as a result, makes it difficult for users to easily complete the exchange transaction they want.


To solve these problems, the decentralized exchange is looking for different ways.

If one on-chain platform works with a variety of wallet companies to reduce the barriers to switching from one exchange to another, users can switch tokens directly within their wallet. This allows the user to pay with any token supported by the decentralized platform.
There are also a number of unique ideas that enable users to make transactions between networks smooth and affordable. These solutions offer a whole new way for the public to participate in the crypto ecosystem.”

Some of them are suggested by Roy Lou of the typical DEX Kaiver network.

These DEX lack of liquidity!

Ionia is also trying to come up with this problem and come up with a new solution. A well-designed token economy, combined with token economics, pays NIA tokens to participants who have helped solve liquidity problems and solve them.

Aren’t you looking forward to the DEX in Ionia that differs from the existing CEX and DEX?

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