Hybrid apps are unstoppable

Max Lynch
Published in
1 min readMay 26, 2017

In the last year or so, we hit escape velocity (for lack of a better term) for hybrid app development. The stack is unstoppable now, growing fast, and powering serious apps with very happy users.

If you’re actively fighting this future because you believe that apps should only be built with native controls and SDKs, you’re on the wrong side of the market. If the stack isn’t for you? That’s totally fine, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s the right stack for a large number of teams.

At Ionic, we work closely with some of the biggest brands and backend vendors in the world, and they just reaffirm what we see every day: hybrid is becoming a major percentage of the apps they want to build or see on their platform, respectively. Brands can’t keep up with the app demand they have without a faster development approach that lets them target app stores and the web, and mobile services vendors are realizing focusing purely on native languages and SDKs left them missing a huge segment of the market.

At this point, we’re beyond discussing whether hybrid is going to be a “thing,” we just need to focus on how we can continue to improve and guide the technology so that web standards keep evolving and enable hybrid developers to get more functionality and performance in a portable way.

The hybrid future is here, how are we going to embrace it and push it to evolve?



Max Lynch
Editor for

Co-founder @ionicframework. I build stuff for computers, humans, and robots.